Information about the I Have MLD list

See bottom of form to change your email address and other subscription options
Welcome to the I have MLD list. This list is for adults 16 years and up who have MLD and are still able to communicate by electronic means. The purpose is to help affected MLD young adults and adults express themselves, get to know others traveling similar MLD journeys, and build friendships in a safe, private forum. The primary caregiver must be a member of the MLD Family Discussion list™.
SIGN ON to I Have MLD list

Subscribe by filling out the following form with your email and share a bit about your MLD journey. You will receive an email asking you to verify your email address. After you click confirm a list administrator will review your request. A confirmation email will be sent once you have been added to the list.

Once subscribed, your posts will go to all members on the list and you will start receiving posts from other list members. Simply hit REPLY to join the conversation. The rules are simple ... be respectful, supportive, caring, and honor privacy in all posts.

    Your email address:

    Please introduce yourself and tell a bit about your MLD journey, how you feel, your hopes, questions, and anything else you are comfortable discussing. This is your connection to others like yourself:
EXISTING I Have MLD list Subscribers -- update email address & other options
To unsubscribe from I-Have-MLD, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address:

If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

I-Have-MLD list run by i-have-mld-owner at
I-Have-MLD administrative interface (requires authorization)
Overview of all mailing lists

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